Norman begins his study on suffering by stating the Biblical principle that we are meant to suffer. Heb says that it was fitting for God…in bringing many sons to glory, to make the captain of their salvation perfect through suffering. So God’s way for us to glory is through suffering. If there is to be rising, there first has to be dying. Norman points out that suffering takes many forms: spiritual, emotional, or bodily; and comes to us in many ways: as temptations, trials, doubts, imaginations, troubles, perplexities, fears, distresses, persecutions, etc. The way does not matter, the real purpose of experiencing pain and suffering is to force us to get our answer inside us. We find inner harmony when we begin to see God behind the scenes, in the midst of the storms in our lives, waiting to show forth His glory and purposes. Faith is the key; it is the inner secret.
Words to Live by is a weekly devotional email of Scriptures and quotes that highlight and expound upon our Union with Christ. If you'd like to receive devotionals like the one below, please subscribe using this link. Wednesday Jan 22, 2024 The True Revelation of the Bible "The true revelation ... continue reading.