Norman Grubb moves beyond the familiar and dramatic outward facts of Joseph’s early life to the reason they were possible. Young Joseph’s dreams were significant because through them Joseph was brought to a radical crisis in his life; it is through this crisis in his early life that Joseph was fixed in his union with God and settled his relationship with God for evermore. Norman moves on to discuss Joseph’s interpretation of Pharoah’s dreams, followed by the years of Joseph’s magnificent management of Egypt, and finally his reunion with his family and the process that led to their reconciliation. In Joseph’s life we see a constant example of spirit triumphing over soul, of the possibilities that exist in a life that is truly fixed in God. It is Norman’s excellent insights into this familiar story and the very practical application of these insights that make this study invaluable.
Words to Live by is a weekly devotional email of Scriptures and quotes that highlight and expound upon our Union with Christ. If you'd like to receive devotionals like the one below, please subscribe using this link. Wednesday Feb 12, 2024 The Spirit of Truth and the Spirit of Error "All we ... continue reading.