In this study of James, Norman Grubb stresses that temptation is necessary for Jesus to be revealed in and through us: “It is the negative that sparks up the positive.” It is God’s opportunity to manifest Himself, the Positive, through us as we “count it all joy.” Trials and tribulations are exactly what bring us to a maturity of faith. Norman discusses the “single eye of faith,” and the necessity of seeing God’s perfection behind the apparent contradictions of life. In contrast with what James calls double-mindedness, the “single eye of faith” sees God determining all things for good. Norman warns of the possibility of getting into the bondage of self-effort if we do not understand this epistle in light of the truth of Christ in us, as us. The key to understanding “faith without works is dead” is our union with Christ—He is the doer, we the vessel.
Words to Live by is a weekly devotional email of Scriptures and quotes that highlight and expound upon our Union with Christ. If you'd like to receive devotionals like the one below, please subscribe using this link. Wednesday Feb 12, 2024 The Spirit of Truth and the Spirit of Error "All we ... continue reading.