Norman begins this study of the life of Jacob with the statement, “There is One Person in the Universe, God”; and God’s purpose is the expression of love to the world. Jacob was God’s chosen agent to carry on God’s plan of redemption for the Jewish people which He started through his father, Isaac, and his grandfather, Abraham. Rather than deceitfully stealing the blessing from his brother, Esau, Norman stresses that Jacob saw a higher law in operation–the fulfillment of God’s plan through him. For many years he struggled with hardships because he did not yet know the secret of faith. These difficulties finally brought him to an understanding and faith in his union with God, as expressed by Paul centuries later in Galatians 2:20. Jacob came to know he was a vessel through whom all the nations of the earth were to be blessed.
Words to Live by is a weekly devotional email of Scriptures and quotes that highlight and expound upon our Union with Christ. If you'd like to receive devotionals like the one below, please subscribe using this link. Wednesday Feb 12, 2024 The Spirit of Truth and the Spirit of Error "All we ... continue reading.