The Origin of Evil
Editor’s Note
This is the second section of the Teacher/Trainer Outline that has been worked on, reworked, and edited during week-long sessions specifically set aside for this task. The outline is exactly what it says: a brief capsule of the major points of our total truth intended to provide a clear presentation to those desirous of teaching the message to others as well as gaining a more thorough understanding for themselves. The outline would basically serve as a guide, to be referred to by a teacher/sharer who would certainly want to put the truth in his own words.
Following “The Origin of Evil” is an article discussing its content by Scott Breckenridge, who also wrote an article on Part One, “One Person in the Universe,” which was published in May/June 92 issue.
Lucifer, or light bearer, was a created angelic being designed to freely express God’s nature of total light and love “in whom there is no darkness at all” (1 John 1:5). God’s purpose in creation was to manifest Himself in a multiplicity of forms (Romans 1:20). God is all and in all (Colossians 3:11). God’s purpose for Lucifer was to reflect the One Light in a variety of beauty and perfection (Genesis 28:12-13).
However, Lucifer desired to be the Light, the I AM, and in his freedom chose to replace God’s will with his “I will,” saying, “I will be like the Most High” (Isaiah 14: 14). This choice went against the basic law of the universe-law being “how a thing works.”
Although God chose once and for all to turn His back on all that is darkness-hatred, confusion, strife, etc.-Lucifer (Satan) embraced this realm, which was potential and hidden in God, yet never to be manifest in Him. What God rejected for Himself, Satan became.
What Satan intended to be great gain resulted in his irrevocable loss. In his fall he fixed himself in the total opposite of God’s heavenly kingdom: a self-for-self rather than a self-for-others. Satan stepped away (back) from a Cross experience, which every free creature needs to face, thereby separating himself from God’s holy and loving commitment and activity on behalf of this universe. Instead, he sealed himself into an inferno of self-fulfillment, willing his own will and total deception-a spiritual “black hole” into which light never penetrates and from which light can never come. In eternity past, Satan brought into manifestation the kingdom of God’s “No,” introduced his deception to a part of the heavenly host (the fallen angels), infected the entire human race with his self-conscious pseudo-independence (original sin), and was defeated as God’s adversary at the cross. In his self-deception he believes he has an independent existence, a kingdom apart from God.
Satan, the liar from the beginning, is dedicated to perpetuating the lie that independent selfhood exists. In doing this, he unknowingly became the negative agent, fulfilling God’s eternal purpose on earth, which is to bring a vast family of sons to salvation. Since God is all in all, everything only serves to accomplish His plan for humanity. In the end Satan will be cast into the lake of fire, as all is gathered up into God the Father (1 Corinthians 15:24-28) .
More Articles from The Intercessor, Vol 9 No 2
- The Origin of Evil-Here and Now
- Forward Ever, Backward Never
- The Origin of Evil
- The Mind
- A Life That Works
- Questions? & Answers!
- Birth of the News
- Moments with Meryl
- A Lawyer Tells It Like It Is
- Faith Swallows Up Doubt
- Freedom From Self
- Indwelt By The Spirit Of God
- The Mailbox: Praises Sung
- An Easter Message
- Mini Fellowship Weekend
- Powerless Over Alcohol & Life: Steps 6 and 7
- Annual Business Meeting
- No Independent Self, Part One