The Mailbox: Praises Sung
Praise God!
I finally got my very own first copy of The Intercessor. I’ve shared my good friend’s copy for some time, now we can read together as she lives in another town.
My copy of 2 days has already been devoured.
I require a back copy of the issue about Joseph for my studies. If possible, please send vol. 7.
Thank You So Much, E. J.
Raleigh, NC.
Hello to all,
I am so glad you are settled in Boone, N.C. and that you are closer to me.
I do thank you for the Intercessor I receive every two months. I read and re-read it faithfully. I have all my copies and keep them to re-read.
My husband passed away recently, and I need to know more about who I am in Christ now, to cheer me on.
Please keep me on the mailing list; I plan to support you in the future, with money and prayers. I am trusting God for us all now to continue on and on until… Mr. Grubb is my favorite author. I have all of his books, and re-read them. If you can tell him I love him so much.
With a smile, Mrs. E.K.
Flatrock, NC
More Articles from The Intercessor, Vol 9 No 2
- The Origin of Evil-Here and Now
- Forward Ever, Backward Never
- The Origin of Evil
- The Mind
- A Life That Works
- Questions? & Answers!
- Birth of the News
- Moments with Meryl
- A Lawyer Tells It Like It Is
- Faith Swallows Up Doubt
- Freedom From Self
- Indwelt By The Spirit Of God
- The Mailbox: Praises Sung
- An Easter Message
- Mini Fellowship Weekend
- Powerless Over Alcohol & Life: Steps 6 and 7
- Annual Business Meeting
- No Independent Self, Part One