Annual Business Meeting
The future is now! Let’s just do it! These phrases sum up the theme of Zerubbabel’s ninth annual business meeting. This meeting was particularly exciting for many of us because it was the first business meeting held in our new home office in Boone, North Carolina. We believed for a conference center in Boone for ten years, always knowing that God would provide for such a facility when He thought His troops were ready. It always seemed like that time was somewhere off in the future, and many of us used that as an excuse for not getting involved in Gods work at earlier points in our lives. But that can no longer be anyone’s excuse. (Actually, the word is "unbelief" because to not be involved in God’s business for any reason is unbelief.) The future really is now. God really has provided a facility and has given us the commission of running a total life outreach program out of it so that others might know the total truth of Jesus Christ living their lives out, for and through them.
With this reality, God set the tone for this year’s business meeting. After a wonderful dinner, Fowler Cooper called the meeting to order. Then the night was spent reflecting on and praising God for the many miracles He chose to perform over the last ten years. From the initial vision He had through Tom Prewitt in July 1982, to the decision to buy property in Boone, to the fulfillment of a word of faith for an architect’s fee, to the word of faith that we would break ground on a building on June 1, 1992, to the decision to buy Alpen Acres Motel, and finally to the word of faith date of June 1, 1992 when we actually took possession of the motel. All of this was God’s work, His vision for the world, and we are actually lucky enough to be chosen by Him to walk it out. After reflecting on this, the Spirit lead many to share the role they believe God has for them in His army. Several shared that they believed God was calling them to Boone, and several words of faith were spoken that God would work out the details of getting them here soon.
Saturday was spent going through each segment of the ministry with a fine tooth comb, with various individuals explaining the details of the areas with which they were involved. Throughout the day, the focus was on how each segment of God’s outreach could be expanded in order to get His message to the whole world. It was agreed that the role of an area representative be changed. In the past, area representatives have played a passive role in the ministry, making themselves available should anyone in their area desire to contact them concerning any questions they might have or just for fellowship. The area representatives rarely initiated the contact. But it was decided that the role of area representatives was to be more aggressive by initiating contact and thinking of ways to get the message to more people within his area. Most of the afternoon was spent brainstorming with new, creative ideas of how to do this. Since the future is now, we must just do it! The role of area representatives is one that we all fill. God calls all of us to stand for Him and be His representatives. Because of who we are, Christ in our human forms, we can not help but do this. After breaking into small groups, each and every person was able to express some way in which Christ through them could reach various people. In order to put down on paper all of the ideas that God revealed in this meeting, I would have to write a ten page article, but unfortunately space does not allow me to do so at this time.
This was one of the most exciting business meetings yet. The times many of us have been looking forward to have come. We expect that God’s Total Truth Living Center will open for business in the next year. And in the meantime, many of us came to see that God has business to do now, all over the world. And it is up to us (Christ in our forms) to do it.
More Articles from The Intercessor, Vol 9 No 2
- The Origin of Evil-Here and Now
- Forward Ever, Backward Never
- The Origin of Evil
- The Mind
- A Life That Works
- Questions? & Answers!
- Birth of the News
- Moments with Meryl
- A Lawyer Tells It Like It Is
- Faith Swallows Up Doubt
- Freedom From Self
- Indwelt By The Spirit Of God
- The Mailbox: Praises Sung
- An Easter Message
- Mini Fellowship Weekend
- Powerless Over Alcohol & Life: Steps 6 and 7
- Annual Business Meeting
- No Independent Self, Part One