The Mailbox
Dear Meryl:
I have ,just read your article in the May/June, 1997 edition of The Intercessor. I was blessed by your application of the "Christ/I" truth to your adverse working conditions. Oh, how I needed to read that at this time of my life. Even as a pastor, it is very difficult to maintain the truths that Norman has taught over the years. You have a good grasp of his teaching as I see it and have read from his books.
I met Norman around 1974 while pastor of a church near Jackson, Mississippi. Over the years, I have not followed all the interpretations of Norman’s teachings but I still feel God is working in those like yourself to get the basic stuff of "Christ/I," and the faith teaching across. So I thank God for you that you are keeping the vessel free of the old self so the living Christ can shine through. And He does.
Ray Henry
West Palm Beach, FL
In the following exchange of letters, Meryl encourages a new friend who is just coming to see the reality of who she is in Christ.
Dear Meryl,
Ages ago you sent me a photocopy of Chapter 21 of Who Am I? (Norman Grubb). I didn’t even read it at the time, and I don’t know where I was spiritually, but certainly not where I would want to be.
Anyway, this year I took my eyes right off the Lord (and I knew I was doing it). He allowed me to experience real suffering until it reached a pain level where I reached inside for some resources to cope, and knew they weren’t there. I blamed all the circumstances but deep down, the problem was me–walking unbelief and " independent I" again. The pain made me desperate for a new way of seeing, and I finally turned back to Jesus with it. He said, "Give it all to me–constantly, at the time, every time it hurts." And the weight lifted right off me. It was so good that I knew straight away that this is precious and I must fight to stay "in His rest."
I found encouragement and direction in Oswald Chambers’ My Utmost for His Highest, and I believe it was "If You Will Ask" by him that pushed me into trusting again. Then I picked up your chapter from Who Am I? and it was so exciting as I read my experience in Norman Grubb ‘s words…. I had sort of head knowledge before, but now it has been made experience for me and I thank God for the pain that got me here. I feel so safe now. I feel like my house could burn down with my family in it and although I’d suffer terribly in my soul, in my spirit there would still be the safe place, taking it all from the hand of God.
Oswald Chambers wrote, "The child of God is not conscious of the will of God because he is the will of God." That is fantastic. We don’t have to be clever or proficient, or "together." We only need to learn how to "cease" from our own business and focus on Jesus.
The other morning, the Lord gave me this: Jesus say" I am your babysitter and your house-keeper; I am your husband’s wife; I am your mother’s daughter. Every day I turn up for work, demand no payment; But you prefer to do it all yourself, even though I can do it better. You are operating from Satan’s lie and sin is produced by it. If only you would let me take over these roles, in you as you; you could be freed to do your own work-be ing a child of God,
sitting on God’s knee, loving Him, looking into His eyes, telling Him your troubles, and agreeing with Him that they are taken care of already. "
Or how about this: "Jesus will drive your car, but he won’t sit on your lap to do it–so move overt " (And you don’t need that spare set of keys, either!)
Much love, Jo
Dear Jo,
What a wonderful surprise to hear from you again! I was thrilled to receive your letter.
I loved the way you spoke about feeling stuff terribly in your soul, yet in your spirit would still be the safe place. Discerning soul from spirit in day-to-day life has been the answer to so many of my "problems." I’m also taking the opportunity to send you a copy of Page Prewitt’s "Alphabet Soup." I hope you don’t mind. If you already have a copy, maybe you can give it to someone else at some point, as the Lord leads.
I know for myself that when things get bad enough then I’m ready to listen. You are right, the belief that it really is Jesus Christ living His life through me, as me, is indeed precious.
You are seeing very clearly about Satan’s lie of independent self, and how when we get hooked into that, the flow of Christ’s life is blocked. When we are in God’s rest (abiding in Christ-believing it is Christ living His life out through us), faith reality flows over.
I am so amazed that you mention Oswald Chambers. I bought a copy of My Utmost for His Highest in the States this year and, like you, am being very blessed, challenged and helped by it.
I loved, too the words the Lord gave you personally. We need to keep remembering them; at least I do. Years ago when I read that it took the children of Israel so long to enter the Promised Land and it was only really an 11-day journey, I remember thinking that I wouldn’t take that long. Can you believe the superiority and independent thinking that Satan lived out at that time through my members! In actual fact, it’s taken me just as long, if not longer. But, thankfully, God is patient and merciful and "remembereth that we are but dust."
Well, Jo, I’ll close for now and get the book parceled up. Do keep in touch and let me know if Who Am I? speaks to you, although I know it will. I’m already looking forward to hearing from you again.
Dear Meryl,
While I was standing in the kitchen thinking about you, Jesus did my washing up for me–I looked down and it was all done, and I didn’t remember it getting done. I just thought I’d share that with you! Housework is getting more and more like that these days–in ten minutes a whole load of stuff gets done and I’ve been happily away in the clouds whereas before it would take longer and I’d be miserable doing it.
Anyway, thank you so much for the treasure [Who Am I?J I received in the post! Wonderful, wonderful stuff: "The universe is spirit slowed down to the point of visibility." Now when I pray, I know that God is not far (i.e. on a different plane) but is manifest all around me. He is the bed I’m sitting on, the walls around me and the sun shining in the window. This means that if I find myself in prison, He will be the bars on the window–hard to be depressed, isn’t it?
You know, Meryl, I had a talk with my uncle last night. He’s been a Christian for about 20 years, and I was just talking about "entering His rest" and Frank’s response was, "You can be so heavenly minded that you’re no earthly use." This hurt in a way because it’s Jesus he’s rejecting. It makes me feel sad that he’s left no room for the Lord and yet now, with the single eye, I know that his words will be used to draw him nearer and whereas it would have upset me before and made me feel a failure, now I watch excitedly for the next installment to see God manifest. What a hobby!
Well, I’ve run out of time so I’ll pop this in the post to you.
Much love, Jo
The following is an exerpt from a letter to a friend.
Norman as about "the school of faith" before "the life of faith," and a big part of school is practice–practice the multiplication tables, practice the spelling words, etc. Then at some point, you just find yourself knowing how to do math or spelling. It’s the same with the truth. I find that I must put what I know into "practice" for everything to become natural, but those learning times don’t seem very spontaneous! Eventually, though, what you take takes you, and you will find yourself just "being" who you are.
It has also been crucial for me to look at who I’m not: the sin in my life has been committed by someone who has not been Christ. For a long time, I simply put on a "bodysuit" named Christ, so to speak, and proceeded to call "myself" Christ, rather than be willing to see that there was a lot of unbelief (and therefore sin) that had never been cleaned up before I could be a clear vessel for Him to live through. Even though any sin is really Satan misusing my members, it is my unbelief which gives him entry, and I must see and own my part. Then through confession and repentance Satan is ousted from my members, and Christ is living His life out once more, unencumbered by sin-the only thing that can block the flow of the Spirit.
Much love, Sanda.
More Articles from The Intercessor, Vol 14 No 1
- What is this Human Self of Ours?
- Editor’s Note
- Moments with Meryl
- Miracle!
- A Look at a Book
- Tony’s Testimony
- Zerubbabel Focus: Z Youth!
- British Conference Report
- Musings on the British Conference
- Bible Study: Undiscovered Self
- Body, Soul, and Spirit
- Questions & Answers
- Area Fellowship News: Boone
- The Mailbox
- Tape Talk
- New York Conference Report
- Youth Report: Fall Harvest in New York
- Anatomy of Unbelief
- Need–Evidence of Supply
- Words to Live By…