Moments with Meryl
Now would be a good time to update you on my current work situation. Having been left "high and dry" after Mr. X’s job had been eliminated (see May/June Intercessor), we decided at our next staff meeting to invite the new Chief Executive of our Trust to our department to explain to her our function within the Unit.
Since we were now operating as a team and we had no-one to authorise our decisions, it was agreed that we should take control ourselves and be responsible for our own decisions, our manager spearheading each new initiative. Morale again began to improve.
On the day of the visit of the Chief Executive, our group presentation included "Where we were as a department at the beginning of the year, where we are now, and where we plan to be in he future" Each of us was required to ;ive a presentation, using the overhead )rojector, describing our role within the iepartment. I assumed it would only nvolve the dietitians, but was informed, `No you as well, Meryl; without secrearial support, we couldn’t function and >esides, this all began with you!"
I felt panic stricken and although I prepared a little (there was no time for retailed preparation), I still felt there vouldn’t be time in the allotted appoint-lent to include my presentation.
Our manager opened the presentation by saying how the major changes in our department began when I returned from my Personal Assistant course with new information and lots of enthusiasm. (Of course, I know it was because none other than Jesus Christ is living through me, as me and kept telling everyone "if nothing changes, nothing changes.")
It soon became obvious the Chief Executive was impressed with our attitude and responsibility we had shown and she was even keen to extend her time with us. My hands were clammy and I felt scared.
(I forgot to mention that my co-secretary was on extended sick leave and it, therefore, fell to me to explain in detail all the administrative and clerical duties necessary for the efficient running of our department.)
"I am not a dietitian, they are used to this sort of thing; I have never even used an overhead projector!" I felt so out of my depth and knew I simply could not do this. But I KNEW Jesus Christ could and would through me. I took the first step and began speaking. Soon I relaxed and gave quite an informative presentation, actually enjoying it!
The Chief Executive congratulated us all on our achievement and asked permission to use us as an example to other Services in our Unit. She said we were a fine example of TEAM (Together, Everyone Achieves More) WORK and encouraged us to do and tell more, instead of ask, and then do.
My co-worker is shortly due to retire and my manager told me she wanted me on the panel to interview candidates for the new post. Not only that, my role within the department has been re-defined and I got to choose the jobs I wanted to do and the remainder would be given to the new postholder, who will be accountable to me on a daily basis.
Can you imagine me on an interview panel? It certainly evoked feelings of inferiority, etc, but I quickly affirmed Jesus Christ/Meryl was more than capable of the task (particularly after obtaining advice and hints from Christina Duncan, who is experienced at inter-viewing). Again, all went well and I am amazed at how God is using my job situation to train me in right believing: taking the initiative, being responsible and actually doing the things I believe Jesus Christ can do. I stand back some-times and chuckle at how much I enjoy it and what Christ/I achieves.
At present, my days are pressured, challenging, sometimes frantic, but very rewarding and I enjoy being "stretched" to believe "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
More Articles from The Intercessor, Vol 11 No 6
- Here We Stand
- Out of the Whirlwind
- Editor’s Note
- Minnesota Fellowship Weekend
- The Letter to the Romans
- Moving Out of the Wilderness
- Excerpt from The Intercession of Rees Howells
- British Autumn Conference
- A Look at a Book
- The Mailbox
- God’s Promises
- To Think About
- New Light on the Twelve Steps
- Tape Talk
- Moments with Meryl
- Questions & Answers
- Which Side?
- Words to Live By