Moments with Meryl
A review of some of the past "Moments with Meryl" tempted me to conclude that this entry in each edition of The Intercessor seems very infantile in comparison to other articles and testimonies, etc.
"So what are you going to say?" First and foremost to address the real temptation, "I am believing Jesus Christ as Meryl writes these brief entries out of real situations that He as me has been in." If I start thinking about comparing my writing with someone else’s (really Satan in disguise), then he already has a hold. The truth also is that God gives His gifts severally as He wills and this is how Christ operates through me right now.
One thing I know that I am very grateful for is this: affirming who I am as I do consistently, is fundamental to knowing Gal. 2:20. In so doing, this truth becomes a greater reality to me daily and enables me to think God first in every situation that arises. Far from being a small thing, telling myself who I am is fixing me in the truth of Christ living as me, so that when serious right choices need to be made, it is so. As Norman said, "what you take, takes you.
I am therefore proud and count it a privilege that Christ as me writes these "Moments"!