The Mailbox
Dear Vikki,
As you know I have been busy getting ready for our wedding. It is exciting to see all of the details work out, and to know God has already planned the wedding and is slowly showing it to me.
One thing I want to share with you is how I am learning to have a right view of a relationship. Since I have been engaged, I have felt scared because of my past sinful relationships. Satan would love for me to believe his lie that I am an independent person and can not have an honest relationship. But, the truth is God has put Jamie and me together for His purpose: to be a team and fight Satan. This is definitely a healthy fear because of my bad track record. Now God is giving me the chance to begin an honest relationship with another Christ vessel.
I have received lots of help and support from all of my family here in Boone. Little by little God is giving me a right view of what marriage is and what it means to be joined to another Christ person. Bottom line the truth is Jesus Christ is having a relationship with Jesus Christ through Jamie and me.
I’m glad to be able to share with you how I have been given a right view of marriage by God and excited to know we are beginning a right marriage.
Robyn Mace
Boone, North Carolina
A week or so before the conference I wondered whether I really wanted to come. Should I cut my losses and forget it. In the end I decided to come as I didn’t want to let my travelling partner down.
Never able to talk or converse, isolation is usually my lot among people. Eventually, I got to say my stuff and afterwards folk told me I had spoken clearly and well, which totally amazed me.
So, I can see now that Satan has been misusing me, telling me I can’t talk or do this or that or anything I try. Maybe I’m not as stupid as I thought.
Now I know I have to affirm I am Christ in Pat form. Total and complete in Jesus Christ. This is a new beginning for me. I am glad I came. Thank you everyone for your fellowship and for organizing the conference. Thank you Page and Tom for coming a great distance to give us your time too. You are the best thing that has happened to me since sliced bread!
Pat Cross
Hemel Hemspstead, England
Dear Sanda,
Thank you for your letter. I enjoyed the conference, felt relaxed and had an ear for anything expressed to throw light on the pathway of life. With regard to not seeing each other independently, this applies not only to our marriage partners, but to other believers. I expect this is the area where most of us have fallen down, allowing our
selves to be hurt by other believers, due to seeing them independently. What we receive from them, we take personally, which causes us to see ouselves independently. Then down we go hurting.
I have been considering Peter declaring that Jesus was the Christ, revealed by the Father to him. That was God through Peter to Jesus. Then the Satan temptation to Jesus to evade the cross. This Jesus rebuked as Satan; however, the temptation to evade the cross was the necessary trial of the faith of Jesus. Correct me if I am wrong.
I was thinking of the story of David who was cursed by Shimei who also threw stones at a time when David was at his lowest and his son Absalom with an army was trying to overthrow and kill him. Shimei was an enemy. David could have said "kill him" to his soldiers, "I have more than enough to contend with" or "doesn’t he know who I am; he has no business to speak to me like that, kill him." But he recognized and acknowledged, "If the Lord has told him to curse me who am I to say no" (2 Sam. 16:12). "Perhaps the Lord will see that I am being wronged and will bless me."
With regard to Jean and me, I am beginning to see her as Christ, even in conflicting ideas, and am more prepared to take notice without having to justify myself. Love to you and your family,
Harry Knee
Bolton, England
Dear Scott,
A few lines to share with you of a very recent experience (miracle) I received while reading the September/October Intercessor starting with Norman Grubb, Brett Burrowes and lastly your article. I layed the magazine down, then picked it up again to re–read these articles.
Well, you guessed itl All of a sudden it all became "clear as crystal." For the first time I finally see the secret of NO independent self.
I have waited many years for this breakthrough, and now it all comes together. I have pondered over Norman’s teaching for a long time, but I just couldn’t get the basic thought. I don’t know if it was your article or all three that opened the lock. But at last it’s open. There’s not much to add as it’s all been said before, but I did want to share this good news with you.I am looking forward to your next article in the Intercessor. Until next time, let’s keep pressing on for the "mark of His high calling."
Love, Paul
Dear Paul,
Thanks for your letter. I am so glad our magazine has given you the light to see who you really are, Christ in your Paul form.
In some ways, Paul, that was the easy part. Now comes the daily walk of faith where, with no feelings, we believe that what we are doing and saying is really Christ doing it. We go about our business, knowing it is really Christ doing, even though we may have no special awareness of His presence. The key is not so much illumination but willingness to believe the absurd about ourselves. The real joy comes when we begin to discover that this believing that we are Christ has produced an interest in others that takes precedence over our interest in ourselves. Paul, thanks again for your letter.
Scott Breckenridge Boone, NC
Dear H. ,
I know it feels scary to you, as a new Christian learning who you really are–Christ in your form, to be moving in with a non–Christian. I grew up learning and knowing that Christ was living His life through me. However, it had very little impact on my actions and decisions during the time I lived away at school. I was always trying to get people to like me, which led to drinking and lying to my parents. I thought I was just doing what I wanted to do. But, in fact, I was allowing Satan to have free reign of my life.
I think that you will be okay living with R. because of the choices you have made in the past few months. You have chosen to accept Christ to live your life and chosen to change your life and friends drastically. You want your life to be different and you have a lot of support around you. However, don’t forget that you are one choice away from where I was. We are one choice away from having Christ live His perfect life through us or allowing Satan to run his riotous life by us. It is very important for you to be aware of the situations you are in. For example, don’t go out with R. when she could be drinking, or don’t allow parties in your house. It is also very important to check in with someone daily about your thoughts, feelings, and believing. You have lots of people around you who really do care about you.
Just remember that God is in complete control, and He would not have you living with R. if it was not the perfect situation for you.
Take care–I love you,
Kari Mace Boone, NC
More Articles from The Intercessor, Vol 10 No 1
- Romans Six to Eight, Part Three
- Editor’s Note
- Autumn England Conference
- Our Mission and Identity
- Moments with Meryl
- Excerpt from The Intercession of Rees Howells
- A Look at a Book
- Questions & Answers
- The Working of Soul and Spirit–Temptation and Sin
- The Nuts and Bolts of Living
- My Story
- To Think About
- Intercession
- Powerless Over Alcohol and Life: Step 12
- The Mailbox
- The Real Thing
- Words to Live By