"Our Bit" Let’s do it Quickly
The Battle of Marathon, between the Persians and Athenians, was one of the decisive battles of the world. Victory rested with the Greeks; but among the people at Athens there was a pacifist pro-Persian party seeking to sell their country to the Persian Kaiser. In order to defeat these traitors and their cowardly counsels it was necessary to get the news of victory to Athens in the shortest possible time.
Miltiades, the victorious Athenian General, therefore called upon Pheidippides, a young and athletic Athenian soldier, to run to Athens with all possible speed and announce the victory.
Though Marathon to Athens was 26 miles over a mountainous track, and Pheidippides had fought all day, he applied for no exemption, but ran. Racing all the way, he got to Athens in record-breaking time. In one sentence be announced the victory and bade his countrymen rejoice, then he fell down dead, the result of his self-sacrificing exertions.
Pheidippides did his bit, though he died in the doing of it. So let us Christians do our bit for Christ, no matter what the cost.
WHAT IS IT? To do our Fathers Business! To destroy the works of the devil! To war the Good Warfare!
The only sane and humane policy is to bring this war to a speedy and decisive conclusion.
Finish it! Cut it short!
Bring back The King! Hallowed be Thy NameEverywhere. Thy Kingdom ComeQuickly. Thy Will be done, as in heaven so on earth.
It shall be done!
Jesus shall reign whereer the sun Doth his successive journeys run.
The earth shall be filled with the gospel of God as the waters cover the sea.
There must be no frontiers to the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ. Our marching orders are to evangelize the whole world. If we Christians refuse to be Christs witnesses to the uttermost regions and to every creature therein, we deliberately deny the claim of Christianity to be the only true and sufficient religion. We must be about this our Saviours business, and the Kings business requireth haste.
Let us quit ourselves like men and face the facts, shameful and ugly though they be.
After 1,900 years we are a great Church, with an open Bible, and boundless wealth, yet so faithless that 800,000,000 of human beings on this earth have never heard of Christ. Dr. C. I. Schofield.
There are still a score of wholly unoccupied fields, great stretches or areas, countries or provinces, wholly untouched by missionary effort and not included in any existing scheme of missionary operations. In this twentieth century of Christian history there should be no unoccupied fields.
The unoccupied fields of the world have a claim of peculiar weight and urgency upon the attention and missionary effort of Gods people. The closed doors are few compared with the open doors unentered. It is the neglected opportunities that are the reproach of Christians.Dr. Zwemer.
Are these fortresses never to be stormed and won? Is the reproach of our neglect to attack them never to be rolled away? God forbid! Gods people are bound to remedy this lamentable condition of things with the least possible delay.
My time is running out, said that hero-evangelist, Dr. Baedeker. I am seventy years of age, and I wish, therefore, to stir up the Holy ambitions of younger brethren to take up this glorious work of carrying The Light into the darkest places of the earth, where sin rules over the hearts of men, and where nothing but the gospel and redemption by the blood of Jesus can be of any avail.
The unoccupied fields await the advent of men of a similarly heroic spirit, with a simple, unwavering faith in the faithfulness and power of God.
The greatest hindrance to the occupation of the whole world for Christ has undoubtedly been within the Church itself.Dr. Zwemer. The chief reasons why the unoccupied fields are still without the gospel, indeed the primary ones, are a blindness of vision to the world-wide commission of our God and Saviour, a lack of faith, enterprise, and obedience, whilst the great cause of all these lacks is the lack of a real, deep love for our Lord Jesus.
World-wide evangelisation is neither a small nor an easy task. But difficulties are not without their compensations, for they daunt doubters, cowards, and hypocrites, debar such as desire easy jobs but draw the faithful with an irresistible attraction. Difficulties were not made to unnerve nor to cause inactivity, but to be overcome; they appeal to all that is good in a genuine Christian, and are the best recruiting officers for men and women with the proper fighting spirit. All difficulties can be surmounted by those who have a simple faith in God. I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.
Qui sexcuse saccuse, say the French, He who excuses himself accuses himself; of what? Of cowardice of course, and that in face of the enemy. No excuses can justify deferred action. Because a land is hot, and far, and fever-ridden, or cold and dismal, because the people are ignorant, fanatical, stupid, or repulsive, does that exclude them from the benefits of the gospel or excuse our neglect of them? Nay, rather the greater the difficulties, discomforts, and opposition, the greater the glory of the conquest. Every year we hear of further advance into these regions of the world by commerce, by travellers, and by men of science. If they can open a way for themselves in spite of all these difficulties shall the ambassadors of the Cross shrink back? God forbid! As a victorious army presses on to the conquest of the yet remaining possessions of the enemy, without which commander-inchief will not close the campaign, so must Christians march forthwith on those lands hitherto left without the gospel.
Our character and loyalty are at stake. To put the case in a nutshell, unless a serious effort to occupy all the unoccupied fields and to carry the gospel to the uttermost part of every unoccupied field is made, and that at once, our loyalty to Christ is manifestly nothing but a miserable sham. What else did our Saviour mean when He said, Why call ye Me Lord, Lord, but do not the things that I say? If a man love Me he will keep My words. He that loveth Me not keepeth not My words. The shame of being a sham ought to move the most thick-skinned among us. Can we suffer our loyalty to Christ to be questioned? What further incentive do we need? Our faith, honour, courage, loyalty, and gratitude are all at stake.
There is no alternative open to us. The effort must be made, and at once. Henceforth this must be the main object of the life of every loyal Christian, as he says, like Martin Luther, I can do no other, may God help me, Amen. Let the devil and his agents do as they please. Should there be as many devils in the way as fish in the sea, we must advance. Let men help or hinder as they will. We must and will march forward, our hearts trusting in God, our eyes upon the Saviour, to death for His sake it may be, to glory it assuredly shall be.
And how, pray, shall this be done? (i.) By prayer to God. (ii.) By faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. (iii.) By the guidance and power of The Holy Ghost. (iv.) By the consciousness of our own utter impotence and foolishness. (v.) By supreme sacrifice. We will pray for Gods blessing on every existing missionary society, that each, mightily quickened by God may extend the spheres of its operations. We will seek to help to the utmost of our power every missionary society or individual that loves the Lord sincerely and seeks to do his bit to overthrow the devils kingdom and establish that of Jesus Christ.
Are we presumptuous? Is it presumptuous for men and women, conscious of their own utter inability, to obey God and seek by faith in Him to execute His well?
Are we fanatical? Then the roots of our fanaticism are the commands of Christ and the words of Holy Scripture.
Are we premature? Is it a time to dwell in our ceiled houses while Gods house lieth waste? Go up, build My house, and I will take pleasure in it, and I will be glorified, saith the Lord. Consider, I pray you, from this day will I bless you.
What will be the cost? Our all; but no more, nay, less than it cost our God and our Saviour to redeem us and all mankind.
By what authority do we these things? By the will of God, by the command of Christ, by the constraint of the Holy Ghost, and by the Word of God.
What if we fail? We shall not fail; but it were better to fail obeying, trusting, and fighting than to fail disobeying, doubting, and living at ease.
Whence shall come the men and the means? From God. Are not the hearts of all in His hands? Do not silver and the gold belong to Him?
Have we the men? Who can tell? That remains to be seen! There are, of course, Church members by the million, There are, says Mr. Wishard, forty million evengelical communicants in Christendom!!! At least ten millions of them must be males. Are they real men or mere make-believes? Will they quit themselves like men or will they be shirkers? The forty millions of Britain produced five million soldiers, who at the call of King and Country went forth to fight the Germans! How many Christian soldiers have the forty million Church members sent forth at the call of their Saviour to fight His battles? A paltry twenty thousand, nay less! How superb is our vaunted reverence and Christian devotion! How magnificent are the results of our boasted intellectual Christianity! All head but no or little heart. A tree is judged by its fruits! If any man cometh unto Me and hateth not his father, mother, wife, children, brethren, sisters; and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple Whosoever he be of you that renounceth not all that he hath, he cannot be My disciple. Ye are the salt of the earth, but if the salt have lost its savour it is good for nothing. We have too many wise men and too few fools. The call of God and of a lost world is for more men who will be fools for Christs sake. Godly fools in the hands of The Almighty are heavens most powerful artillery. God will turn out His guns in sufficient quantity and quality, no fear; but the Churches and societies are often too proud to use them, and insist on cultured pop guns.
God has provided the means, The money-power in the hands of believing Christians of our generation is enormous. The resources of the Christian Church are more than adequate. Thus declared the famous Edinburgh Conference. The only questions are: Shall we be unrighteous stewards and successors of the wicked husbandmen? Is our faith dead or alive? Lay not up for yourselves treasures on earth, commanded Jesus. There is that scattereth and yet increaseth, there is that withholdeth more than is meet, but it tendeth to poverty, said the wise king. If a brother or sister be naked and destitute of daily food, and one of you say unto them, Go in peace, be ye warmed and filled, and yet ye give them not those things which are needful to the body, what doth it profit? Faith without works is dead. Can that faith save? Yet how much worse to withhold the food of the soul, the Bread of Heaven! Lord, when saw we Thee an hungered? Verily I say unto you, inasmuch as ye did it not unto one of these least, ye did it not unto Me! Depart! Nineteen centuries ago the converts of Macedonia, but recently won from heathenism, though in deep poverty and dire affliction, were so prodigal in their liberality as to call forth the following testimony from the great Apostle of the Gentiles: For according to their power I bear witness, yea, and beyond their power they have of their own accord, beseeching us with much entreaty in regard of this grace. Depend upon it, if the Christian stewards to whom God has entrusted so great riches refuse to devote it to the purposes for which He gave it to them, their wealth will be taken from them; they shall be His stewards no longer.
Is there no Open Sesame to unlock the hearts of Gods people and constrain them to go or to give, that Gods house may be filled? There is! The one word Quickly. We love to hear Christs words, Yea, I come quickly. We even make so bold as to reply, Amen, even so come Lord Jesus. Yet somehow we fail to catch the answer of Christ, Go quickly unto the uttermost parts, and compel them to come in, that My house may be filled. The gospel must first be preached to all the world for a witness.
Do we all consider, says the Rev. Hubert Brooke, that we can have a hand in hastening that coming of our Lord Jesus? It is not only that you are to hasten unto it, but you may actually hasten its coming unto you. It is laid upon our hearts to be speeding His coming, by spreading the gospel to the worlds end. We must be labouring that this glorious day be hastened, by carrying the gospel to the worlds end, by bringing within the reach of every nation the salvation of His First Coming, and so being ready for and speeding on the glory of His Second coming. The times of the Gentiles are running out, and when the last souls out of the Gentile races have been gathered to Christ, the Lord will return. He has told us that on the day the work is done He Himself will return.
It was well said concerning the Great European War: The only sane and humane policy is to bring the war to a speedy and decisive conclusion. But such words are yet more true concerning the war of God in the evangelization of the world. That we can accomplish this if we please is evident.
The original motto of the Student Volunteers proclaimed the fact that the gospel can be preached throughout the world in the present generation. Sir William Stephenson, a few years ago, at Newcastle, publicly declared that the Wesleyan Methodists alone, if they set their hearts on so doing, could put a girdle of gospel witness throughout the world in less than ten years time. And this very startling statement was confirmed by the President of the Wesleyan Methodist Conference a few months later. Then how much more easily can this be done if all believers in Christ join in so glorious a crusade. It is evident, therefore, that we can have Christ back, and that quickly. Do we really desire His speedy return? If we do not, are we genuine Christians? If we do, right well do we know how to bring it about. We must live for this present generation and not for the next. When Christ returns, money will be at a discount, while a large balance at the bankers will be not merely useless, but a great condemnation. If we live for a future generation we shall hoard and be eternal losers. If we live for the present generation we shall lay up our treasure in heaven, and make all haste to spend and be spent in His service. We shall not consider our own comfort nor profit, but only how we can increase our forces and our output of ammunition, lest through our selfishness Gods war become a protracted one and the blood of many be required of us. I speak a word concerning bringing our King back, a feeble one no doubt. Tis a theme worthy of a better pen.
But if human words avail not, hearken at least to those of God, for such we neglect at peril He that bath ears to hear, let him hear what the Spirit of God saith to the Churches! It is high time to awake out of sleep! Remember thy first love! Behold the Bridegroom cometh! Go ye forth to meet HIM. Unto the uttermost parts of the earth Quickly. Fight! The fight will not be long, Soon shall victry be our song. Christian! Do your bit! Do It with all your might!! Or Quit!!!
The Evangelisation of every part of the Unevengelised World in the shortest possible time, beginning with the Heart of Africa.
Doctrinal Basis. 1. Absolute Faith in the Deity of each Person of the Trinity. 2. Absolute Belief in the full Inspiration of the Old and New Testament Scriptures. 3. Vow to know and to preach none other save Jesus Christ and Him crucified. 4. Obedience to Christs command to love all who love the Lord Jesus sincerely without respect of persons. And to love all men. 5. Absolute Faith in the Will, Power, and Providence of God to meet our every need in His service.