Words to Live By
“What then is a totally committed Christian? He has ceased to be his own—neither people, possessions, nor life is his. All he has is Jesus. And what kind of person is Jesus? Unconditional love. Life’s occupation, life’s absorption, is expressing the love of Jesus in our world. Nothing one iota less. To me to live is Christ—all things counted refuse that I may win Christ (not by effort but by faith that He is what He is in me): and that means the life He will live out in me will be a participation in His power, His vicarious sufferings, and His death for sinners and enemies.
That is this life—Christ formed in us—no question about uncertainty of consecration or doubts about His permanent indwelling: no pursuit of personal revival, refreshment, renewal: but the clear recognition of this unchanging Other Person of love who has begun to live His eternal life of self-giving love through us. This has become our adventure for eternity, the upspringing well and the outpouring rivers.”