Continued from our previous issue, the following article is a transcription of a teaching lesson for youth given by Scott Prewitt at a fellowship weekend in North Carolina. Scott: Is everyone ready … continue reading.
“We know that our old self was crucified with Him.” --Romans 6:6 (King James Version) There is for most of us a second work of grace, if we like to call it that. There is a day, a season, usually … continue reading.
We continue our examination of the basic foundations proclaimed by Paul in Galatians 2:20 and Colossians 1:27-28. Norman here emphasizes the necessity of an inner knowing of our union with Christ and … continue reading.
I have thought a lot about God and where I fit into His plans. It’s so easy, this union with Christ. It was easy to understand when explained, but to believe it and live it took some time. Finally, … continue reading.
As a missionary with C.T. Studd in the Congo along with his wife, Pauline, Norman Grubb soon recognized that he did not have the love, power, and wisdom it took to fulfill his calling. The following … continue reading.
Like a fiddle with one string, I still write about this reality, which I boldly call Total Truth. My “textbook,” my authority, has always been solely the Bible, and still is–the Bible inwardly … continue reading.
Peter declared, “Even if all fall away, I will not.” “Truly I tell you,” Jesus answered, “today—yes, tonight—before the rooster crows twice you yourself will disown me three times.” But Peter insisted … continue reading.
When I read the following statement in a letter I was given to look over and comment on, I realized that its author was somewhat confused as to how the faith process works: "By realizing Christ’s … continue reading.
The following letter from Norman Grubb, written after he suffered what he called “a heart touch,” is a brilliant condensation of the Total Truth. Norman explains what he terms our “bold … continue reading.