Editor’s Note
During the past few months, the editorial staff of The Intercessor and others here at headquarters have been preparing to re-publish the first of a series of Norman Grubb’s books. We are so pleased to be entering the final stages of preparing his classic book Who Am I? for publication. By the next issue, we should have Who Am I? again listed in our column The Bookshelf and available to all who request it.
The re-printing of Who Am I? underscores the theme that has emerged in this issue of The Intercessor: the changes that occur in Christians’ lives when they recognize and appropriate by faith the truth of Galatians 2:20. We’ve reprinted Chapter 11 from Who Am I?, which describes the victory available to those who replace the false idea that they must "become better" with the truth that they "contain Another Self, Christ." Then we’ve included testimonies from people today who can witness to this change. Brenda Luttrull relates how seeing God in control of all her circumstances overcame her fear for her son’s safety and encouraged him to believe God through his seemingly negative circumstances. Gail Bedell’s Christmas Letter describes how believing God and trusting Him to live her life has restored her sanity over the past year. Tandy Coatney’s review of Norman Grubb’s The Liberating Secret is a delight-fully personal look at how God used this book to give her a life-changing view of herself just when she had asked Him to reveal the truth to her. And our Mailbox this month contains exciting personal examples of God’s faithfulness to make His truth known in our lives. ENJOY!
More Articles from The Intercessor, Vol 13 No 1
- Elisha
- Editor’s Note
- Moments with Meryl
- God’s Stormtroopers
- A Look at a Book
- A Christmas Letter
- Safety in the Crossfire!
- Food for Body, Soul & Spirit at the NY Conference
- To Think About…
- Questions & Answers
- The Mailbox
- The Contract
- The Self Can’t Be Improved
- Tape Talk
- Excerpt from The Intercession of Rees Howells
- The Way of Release
- God’s Standards Have Not Changed: British Fall Conference
- Words to Live By
- One Lesson